Minow: Why did Stanford negotiate a revised agreement?
Calter: Like the University of Michigan, Stanford renegotiated its contract with Google to bring the arrangement in line with the Fully Participating Libraries standard set out in the Settlement Agreement
Minow: What are the key changes? Are they the same as U Michigan (and/or any others?)
Calter: Many of the key changes are indeed similar to UMichigan’s, as the Fully Participating Library agreement is standard.
Minow: Will Stanford give more works to Google to digitize? Make the works more available?
Calter: Stanford has always hoped to digitize as much of its collection as possible. The revised agreement reaffirms that commitment. And the availability of the materials is governed by copyright restrictions, rather than Stanford’s. We strive to make our collection as accessible as possible, particularly for our faculty and staff.
Minow: Is there a copy of the agreement available to view?
Calter: No. Stanford is a private institution, and our contract with Google is private as well.
* Mimi Calter is Assistant University Librarian & Chief of Staff for Stanford University Libraries & Academic Information Resources.
Mary Minow is Executive Editor of the Stanford Copyright and Fair Use Website.