Unicolors, Inc. v. H&M Hennes & Mauritz, LP

Docket Number: 18-56253
Judge: Carlos T. Bea
Opinion Date: May 29, 2020

The Ninth Circuit reversed the district court’s judgment after a jury trial and award of attorneys’ fees in favor of Unicolors in a copyright infringement action against H&M, where Unicolors alleged that a design it created in 2011 is remarkably similar to a design printed on garments that H&M began selling in 2015.

The panel held that courts may not consider in the first instance whether the Register of Copyrights would have refused registration due to the inclusion of known inaccuracies in a registration application. In this case the district court erred by imposing an intent-to-defraud requirement for registration invalidation and erred in concluding that Unicolors’s application for copyright registration did not contain inaccuracies despite the inclusion of confined designs.

The panel held that the plain meaning of “single unit” in 37 C.F.R. 202.3(b)(4)(i)(A) requires that the registrant first published the collection of works in a singular, bundled collection. The panel explained that it is an inaccuracy for a registrant like Unicolors to register a collection of works as a single-unit publication when the works were not initially published as a singular, bundled collection. Furthermore, the undisputed evidence adduced at trial further shows that H&M included the inaccurate information “with knowledge that it was inaccurate.” Therefore, the panel remanded to the district court with instructions to submit an inquiry to the Register of Copyrights asking whether the known inaccuracies contained in the ‘400 Registration application, if known to the Register of Copyrights, would have caused it to refuse registration. View “Unicolors, Inc. v. H&M Hennes & Mauritz, LP” on Justia Law

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