Humphreys & Partners Architects v. Lessard Design, Inc.

Docket Number: 14-2030
Judge: Allyson Kay Duncan
Opinion Date: June 23, 2015

HPA filed suit against Lessard, Clark, Penrose, and Northwestern, alleging that the design, development, ownership, and construction of Two Park Crest, an apartment building in McLean, Virginia, infringed HPA’s architectural copyright embodied in Grant Park, a condominium building in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The district court granted summary judgment to defendants, primarily because no reasonable jury could find that the Grant Park and Two Park Crest designs are substantially similar. The court concluded that the district court did not err in considering expert reports where the reports were were sworn to in declarations; at bottom, HPA failed to carry its burden of identifying a specific similarity between the Two Park Crest design and the protected elements of its Grant Park design; because HPA failed to present nonconclusory evidence that the designs are extrinsically similar, the court rejected HPA’s claim that the district court failed to credit its extrinsic-similarity evidence; and the court rejected HPA’s claims that the district court misapplied relevant copyright law. Accordingly, the court affirmed the judgment. View “Humphreys & Partners Architects v. Lessard Design, Inc.” on Justia Law

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