Foss v. Marvic

Opinion Date: June 10, 2024

A graphic designer, Cynthia Foss, filed a lawsuit against Marvic, Inc., Brady-Built, Inc., and Charter Communications, alleging copyright infringement. Foss claimed that Marvic and Brady-Built used a marketing brochure she created without her permission. She also sought a declaratory judgment that Charter Communications was not eligible for the Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s safe-harbor defense.

Previously, Foss had filed a similar lawsuit against Marvic alone, which was dismissed because she had not registered her copyright before filing the suit. This dismissal was affirmed by the First Circuit Court of Appeals. In the current case, the District Court dismissed Foss’s copyright infringement claim against Marvic and Brady-Built on the grounds of claim preclusion, citing the dismissal of her earlier lawsuit. The court also dismissed her claim against Charter Communications for lack of jurisdiction and failure to state a plausible claim.

The United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit vacated the dismissal of the copyright infringement claim against Marvic and Brady-Built. The court found that the dismissal of Foss’s earlier lawsuit was not a “final judgment on the merits” for claim preclusion purposes. However, the court affirmed the dismissal of Foss’s claim against Charter Communications for lack of jurisdiction. The court also vacated the District Court’s alternative merits-based dismissal of Foss’s claim against Charter Communications. The case was remanded for further proceedings. View “Foss v. Marvic” on Justia Law

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