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Our advisory board members have been blogging away on their own blogs about copyright – specifically whether or not Nuremberg trial transcripts are in the public domain. Rich Stim started it and concludes YES, public domain. Peter Hirtle concurs but with slightly different analysis.

Published on:  When the author signs rights away to publishers, some contracts allow authors to reclaim rights in the future. Given the two year window to opt out or remove one’s book, a publisher may assent to the google books agreement and the author is out of luck when the rights revert to him or her.   Copyright law, moreover, safeguards authors’ rights after about 35 years, allowing a chance to reclaim copyright.  Again, if the publisher already assents, the author’s power to remove the book has lapsed, despite the right to share in revenue.

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Cambridge University Press v. Patton is a publishers’ suit against a public university that makes electronic copies of course readings available to students without paying royalty fees. #copyright Court docs courtesy of Justia.

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Blackwell Publishing v. Miller is an Ann Arbor (MI) copy shop case in which the customers make the photocopies of coursepacks. Latest filing is Aug 3, in which the publishers reply to a summary judgment motion by the copy shop. Courtesy of Justia.

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Read the First Amendment argument advanced in Salinger case in a brief filed today by the Fair Use Project, Georgetown Law Center and the Samuelson clinic.  It urges the Second Circuit to adopt a more stringent test for
issuing preliminary injunctions against books and other expressive
works, and to reject the narrow interpretation of the fair use doctrine
applied by the District Court. See Anthony Falzone’s blog post and brief at

Posted in: Stanford
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